The Gap of Possibilities
There is a place between where we are now and where we want to be. In that Gap is where creativity happens and learning begins. In that Gap are unlimited possibilities. Between here and there is play, exploration, freedom and discovery. The Gap is the most exciting, juicy, wondrous place of all. This is where we find the courage to express ourselves authentically.
“The Gap of Possibilities 1” Acrylic paint, china marker and toner on panel. 20” x 30” x 1.5”. ©Amy Guion Clay 2021
At my best, I’m in love with the NOW. That’s true presence. But much of the time I’m thinking about how I can cross over to where I want to be - in love with the FUTURE now. There’s the rub.
The Gap at times feels vast, impossible to cross. The void of the unknown is dark, scary and my internal critics mock me mercilessly. There is no bridge and I’m frozen at the precipice without a net.
So why even try to cross over that bridge? Why not just be satisfied with where I am, with the work I am doing now (or not doing)? Why am I called further into the not-knowing? Why push forward?
There is a popular saying these days - SEEK DISCOMFORT. Because the Gap will be uncomfortable. It can’t NOT be. That’s why it’s the Gap.
Detail of above painting.
“If you keep hitting the bullseye, the target is too close.”
In the creative process this is when we intentionally go into a place of discomfort because we will discover our hidden depths. We will connect with the courage of being human and our work will reflect that. We really only grow by stretching. We gain new strength by asking “what if?” and then following through. What if I used this new color, what if I added this strange image, what if I blew away all the rules?
And then we have to live with that momentary discomfort that might be messy. But it’s ok. In the creative process, there are no real boogymen, no actual consequences - only our own judgement of what’s good or bad, which isn’t reality. We can take great risks and never fall off a cliff.
Detail of above painting.
So go big, go wide, and embrace the richness of the gap by seeking discomfort. Take small steps outside your comfort zone every time you are in the studio, purposely make a mess and sit with it.
Soon enough you will find yourself on the other side of the Gap, with a whole new world before you.