Borba Journal Page, Portugal
Borba journal page.
Just one week left of this residency, time now shrinking as the dry hot days pass by. Obras is the perfect supportive space to drop into the mindset of Portugal-time, no pressure, only to "be inspired", as our wonderful hosts say. I have focused mostly on my travel logbook, a handmade leather art journal that calls me to be thoughtful and simple in the process. The page I have posted here shows the main altar of the 17th century Convento das Servas de Cristo in Borba, a town known mostly for it's marble quarries. One of my fellow residents had an exhibition of her textiles at the abbey, the first of it's kind in the aged and revered former home of cloistered nuns. I have been talking with the hosts at Obras about an exhibition, possibly here, at the end of my year journey - to bookend my trip beginning and ending in Portugal. Love that idea.