Blustery Coast of N. Cornwall, England
It must be my Anglo-Celtic roots, but I’m most at home in this rugged northern landscape. Despite the driving wind and rain, I walk as much as my cold wet skin will allow, and only turn off the coastal path here in Cornwall when threatened with being blown off the cliff. There are a few of us diehards out here in the strongest winds, and only a Brit could smile in passing and above the gale force shout "Beautiful, isn't it!". Indeed, it is astonishingly beautiful.
The main word that comes to mind here is "atmosphere", and there is a longing to define visually something as elusive and ethereal as the word implies. The constantly shifting light changes so dramatically, that before I've even reached for my camera, the moment has passed. But as a short term visitor and not a resident artist, I might be content with musing on the light alone, without needing to manifest anything into form and color.
The Cornish coast near St. Ives, England